þriðjudagur, 24. nóvember 2015

Ólafur Ragnar: Konungur Norðurheimskautsins

Þessi frétt fær dreifingu um allan heim.  Fyrrum utanríkisráðherra Noregs kvartar yfir dugleysi norsku ríkisstjórnarinnar í Norðurheimskautsmálum.  Ólafur Ragnar hefur tekið forystu í umræðunni allir sem máli skipta mæta á Arctic Circle Ráðstefnuna.  Reykjavík er orðin höfuðborg Norðurheimskautsins segir Støre. Jafnvel Hollande mætir í Reykjavík! Þar er innsiglað bandalag Ólafs Ragnars og Hollande.  Sem blómstrar í hryðjuverkaógninni.  Honum er margt til lista lagt. Eða hvað?

Jonas Gahr Støre, leader of the Norwegian Labor Party and former foreign minister, complains President Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson is stealing the scene, RÚV reports. He claims Norwegians are losing the initiative in the discussion of the Arctic.
The party leader has recently complained that those most interested in the Arctic have attended the Arctic Circle Conference in Reykjavík, while the Norwegian government did nothing to keep the
Last night, in Tromsø, Norway, Støre spoke of this problem, but yesterday marked the tenth anniversary of his introduction of the Arctic policy as the core of Norway’s foreign policy.
Now, he said, the Icelandic president had taken leadership in the discussion by inviting all the major heavy-weights on the subject to a conference in Reykjavík, three years in a row. Even François Hollande attended. Simultaneously, he continued, nothing occurs in Norway and the Barents Euro Arctic Council, which was intended as a platform for discussion, courtesy of Norway, is partly paralyzed and contemned. The world has begun to see Reykjavík as the capital of the Arctic, despite resolutions declaring Tromsø as such. No one comes to Tromsø.

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