Í skjóli nætur koma þeir, við mörg sem höfum lesið sagnfræði könnumst við þessa setningu.
Það er ekki það sama hrópa margir, ekki það sama. Auðvitað vita allir að við erum að tala um helstu einræðisherra 20. aldarinnar. Sem sendu laganna verði til að sækja fólk. Fólk sem flest kom ekki aftur. Þessi fjöskylda kemur ekki aftur þótt hún verði ekki myrt. Samt vitum við það ekki.
En hvers vegna kemur útlendingastofnun með lögreglu í skjóli nætur. Hvers vegna þarf að eyða stórfé til að koma fjölskyldu úr landi. Fjölskyldu með langveikt barn, fjöskyldu sem búin er að koma sér fyrir í íbúð, koma börnum í skóla, fá vinnu. Af því að reglurnar eru ekki hárrétta en undantekning er til í lögunum sem má beita? Fordæmi er svo hættulegt. Að vera mannlegur eru skepnuskapur. Reglur eru til að fara eftir, jafnvel þótt maður þurfi það ekki. Barnasáttmáli Sameinuðu þjóðanna er einskis verður.
Það er erfitt fyrir mig gamlan mann að vakna við þetta á fímmtudagsmorgni allir netfjölmiðlar fullir af fréttum en RÚV telur þetta ekki vera frétt frá 7-10 um morguninn. Ég tárast á þessum morgni, ég skammast mín, ég get aldrei treyst Innanríkisráðherra aftur, aldrei.
Head of government Sali Berisha
The government adopted reforms which restricted the immunity of MPs and other public officials from prosecution and revised the Electoral Code, following previous allegations of fraud. In December, the European Council postponed the granting of EU candidate status to Albania, conditional on further reform.
In July, four prison guards were each fined 3,100 leks (€22) by Tirana District Court for beating Sehat Doci in Prison 313 in August 2011.
The Director of the National Centre for Victims of Domestic Violence was dismissed in May, after the Ombudsperson investigated complaints by women at the Centre that they had been subjected to arbitrary punishments and restrictions.
Many Roma continued to be denied their right to adequate housing.
The first Tirana Pride took place in May. In July, Tirana Prosecutor’s Office dismissed a criminal complaint by LGBTI organizations against Deputy Minister of Defence Ekrem Spahiu about his homophobic remarks concerning the Pride.
Það er ekki það sama hrópa margir, ekki það sama. Auðvitað vita allir að við erum að tala um helstu einræðisherra 20. aldarinnar. Sem sendu laganna verði til að sækja fólk. Fólk sem flest kom ekki aftur. Þessi fjöskylda kemur ekki aftur þótt hún verði ekki myrt. Samt vitum við það ekki.
En hvers vegna kemur útlendingastofnun með lögreglu í skjóli nætur. Hvers vegna þarf að eyða stórfé til að koma fjölskyldu úr landi. Fjölskyldu með langveikt barn, fjöskyldu sem búin er að koma sér fyrir í íbúð, koma börnum í skóla, fá vinnu. Af því að reglurnar eru ekki hárrétta en undantekning er til í lögunum sem má beita? Fordæmi er svo hættulegt. Að vera mannlegur eru skepnuskapur. Reglur eru til að fara eftir, jafnvel þótt maður þurfi það ekki. Barnasáttmáli Sameinuðu þjóðanna er einskis verður.
Það er erfitt fyrir mig gamlan mann að vakna við þetta á fímmtudagsmorgni allir netfjölmiðlar fullir af fréttum en RÚV telur þetta ekki vera frétt frá 7-10 um morguninn. Ég tárast á þessum morgni, ég skammast mín, ég get aldrei treyst Innanríkisráðherra aftur, aldrei.
Mynd: Stundin.is
Þetta segir Útlendingastofnun um Albaníu :
Stofnunin sagði í yfirlýsingu á vefsíðu sinni
í október síðastliðnum að „á undanförnum árum hafa hælisleitendur frá
Albaníu verið afar áberandi á Íslandi en fyrirliggjandi upplýsingar og
mannréttindaskýrslur eru samhljóða um að Albanía sé friðsælt
lýðræðisríki þar sem hvorki er stríðsástand né ógnarstjórn. Mannréttindi
eru almennt virt og eftirfylgni við glæpi og afbrot er góð þrátt fyrir
að enn sé umbóta þörf á sumum sviðum. Albönsk yfirvöld eru fær um að
vernda borgara sína og veita þeim aðstoð.“
þetta segir Amnesty, þetta er ekki sama lýsing, þótt Albanía sé ekki á botninum um mannréttindi, lýsing Útlendingastofnunar er blátt áfram röng:
Republic of Albania
Head of state Bujar Nishani (replaced Bamir Topi in July)Head of government Sali Berisha
The government adopted reforms which restricted the immunity of MPs and other public officials from prosecution and revised the Electoral Code, following previous allegations of fraud. In December, the European Council postponed the granting of EU candidate status to Albania, conditional on further reform.
Enforced disappearances
In November, proceedings before the Serious Crimes Court concerning the enforced disappearance in 1995 of Remzi Hoxha, an ethnic Albanian from Macedonia, and the torture of two other Albanian men, ended with the conviction of three former state security agents. One of them, Ilir Kumbaro, who fled extradition proceedings in the UK in 2011, was sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment in his absence. The charges against his two co-defendants were changed by the court to offences covered by a 1997 amnesty, resulting in them not being sentenced. In December, all three defendants appealed against their convictions.Unlawful killings
In May, the trial opened of former Republican Guard commander, Ndrea Prendi, and former Guard officer, Agim Llupo, charged with killing four protesters, the injury of two others, and concealing evidence. The charges arose from violent clashes between police and protesters during anti-government demonstrations in January 2011 in Tirana.Torture and other ill-treatment
In June, the UN Committee against Torture expressed concerns about the lack of effective and impartial investigations by the Ministry of Interior into alleged ill-treatment by law enforcement officers. The Committee also reported that basic safeguards against torture were not provided to people in detention, including timely access to lawyers and doctors, and noted the excessive length of pre-trial detention.In July, four prison guards were each fined 3,100 leks (€22) by Tirana District Court for beating Sehat Doci in Prison 313 in August 2011.
- In September, a group of former political prisoners went on hunger strike in protest against the government’s prolonged failure to provide reparations for their imprisonment by the communist government between 1944 and 1991. Thousands were imprisoned or sent to labour camps during this period and subjected to degrading treatment and, often, torture. During the 31-day protest, two men set themselves on fire; one, Lirak Bejko, died of his injuries in November. The Ombudsperson considered the actions of the Tirana police in denying hunger strikers medicines and liquids to be an act of torture.
Violence in the family
There were 2,526 reported incidents of domestic violence, 345 more than in the previous year, and petitions by victims for court protection orders also increased. Most victims were women. An amendment to the Criminal Code making violence in the family an offence punishable by up to five years’ imprisonment came into force in April. However, there was no minimum sentence for such offences, except when committed repeatedly and prosecutions could only be initiated on the basis of a victim’s complaint.The Director of the National Centre for Victims of Domestic Violence was dismissed in May, after the Ombudsperson investigated complaints by women at the Centre that they had been subjected to arbitrary punishments and restrictions.
RomaMany Roma continued to be denied their right to adequate housing.
- Some Roma, forced to move from their homes near Tirana railway station after a 2011 arson attack, were evicted from temporary tented accommodation. In February, lacking adequate alternative housing, eight families moved briefly into the premises of the Ombudsperson’s Office. They were later transferred to disused military barracks. However, their very poor accommodation and inadequate police protection from threats and attacks by the neighbouring community obliged them to leave. By the end of the year, no permanent solution to their housing had been found.
- In July, the livelihoods of an estimated 800 Romani families were affected when Tirana police implemented an administrative order prohibiting the collection of scrap and other recyclable materials by seizing their vehicles and other equipment. The Ombudsperson opened an inquiry into excessive use of force and ill-treatment by police during the operation.
The first Tirana Pride took place in May. In July, Tirana Prosecutor’s Office dismissed a criminal complaint by LGBTI organizations against Deputy Minister of Defence Ekrem Spahiu about his homophobic remarks concerning the Pride.
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