„Alþingi Íslendinga
Á undanförnum árum hafa framlög til Ríkisútvarpsins ítrekað verið
skorin niður, mikið hefur verið hagrætt í starfseminni og dregið úr
þjónustu. Síðastliðið vor létu stjórn RÚV og nýir stjórnendur félagsins
gera sjálfstæða úttekt á fjármálum félagsins. Niðurstaðan var sú að
félagið er yfirskuldsett og er stærstur hluti skuldanna gamlar
lífeyrissjóðsskuldbindingar. Þá blasir við að tekjur duga ekki fyrir
þeirri þjónustu sem félagið veitir og grundvallast á útvarpslögum.
Í útvarpslögum eru skyldur lagðar á herðar Ríkisútvarpsins og þær
nánar útlistaðar í þjónustusamningi milli Mennta- og
menningarmálaráðuneytisins og Ríkisútvarpsins. Til að standa undir
þjónustunni er í útvarpslögum gert ráð fyrir því að Ríkisútvarpið fái
útvarpsgjald sem landsmenn og lögaðilar greiða nú. Útvarpsgjaldið er
19.400 kr á árinu 2014 en ríkið hefur á undanförnum árum tekið hluta
útvarpsgjaldsins og nýtt í algerlega ótengd verkefni.
Stjórn Ríkisútvarpsins hefur ítrekað að samræmi verði að vera milli
þeirrar þjónustu sem félaginu ber að veita og þeirra tekna sem félagið
fær til að standa undir þjónustunni. Stjórn RÚV hefur óskað eftir því að
Ríkisútvarpið fái útvarpsgjaldið óskert eins og það er á árinu 2014. Sú
upphæð dugar til að standa undir starfseminni til framtíðar. Samhliða
hafa stjórn RÚV og nýir stjórnendur unnið að eignasölu sem vonast er til
að leysi uppsafnaðan skuldavanda félagsins.
Útvarpsgjaldið á Íslandi er með því lægsta sem þekkist meðal
nágrannaþjóða þrátt fyrir að þær séu allar mun fjölmennari. Framlag
hvers Íslendings til Ríkisútvarpsins er t.d. mun lægra en þegnar
Bretlands og Noregs (BBC, NRK) greiða til sinna ríkisstöðva og
sambærilegt því sem þegnar Danmerkur, Svíþjóðar og Finnlands (DR, YLE og
SVT/SR) greiða til sinna ríkisstöðva.
Nú stendur til að útvarpsgjaldið lækki um áramótin úr 19.400 kr niður
í 17.800 kr og svo að útvarpsgjaldið lækki aftur að ári niður í 16.400
kr. Gangi þessar fyrirætlanir eftir blasir við stórfelld breyting á
hlutverki, þjónustu og starfsemi Ríkisútvarpsins með stórtækari
niðurskurðaraðgerðum en áður hafa sést hjá félaginu. Augljóst má vera að
sú þjónusta sem Ríkisútvarpið veitir tæki stakkaskiptum við þessa
breytingu með samdrætti á öllum sviðum. Þá er ljóst að áætlanir um
úrbætur á tilteknum þáttum í starfseminni eru óframkvæmanlegar en nýir
stjórnendur og stjórn hafa hug á að efla þjónustu við landsbyggðina,
bjarga efni í Gullkistu Ríkisútvarpsins og gera aðgengilegt þjóðinni,
efla framboð á vönduðu barnaefni á íslensku, leggja aukna áherslu á
innlenda framleiðslu og bæta dreifikerfið um land allt.
Ef það er vilji Alþingis að gjörbreyta hlutverki Ríkisútvarpsins og
skyldum, þá er eðlilegt að fram fari umræða og þá með tilheyrandi
breytingum á útvarpslögum áður en tekin er ákvörðun um að lækka
Ríkisútvarpið er ein mikilvægasta menningar- og lýðræðisstofnun
þjóðarinnar. Stjórn Ríkisútvarpsins beinir þeirri eindregnu áskorun til
Alþingis að það standi vörð um Ríkisútvarpið með því að falla frá
fyrirhugaðri lækkun á útvarpsgjaldi.“
Stjórn RÚV,
Ingvi Hrafn Óskarsson, formaður. Ásthildur Sturludóttir,
Björg Eva Erlendsdóttir, Guðlaugur G. Sverrisson,
Guðrún Nordal, Friðrik Rafnsson,
Magnús Stefánsson, Margrét Frímannsdóttir,
Valgeir Vilhjálmsson, Úlfhildur Rögnvaldsdóttir
Yflýsing fréttamanna án landamæra
Freedom of information in decline for past two years in Iceland
Published on Wednesday 19 November 2014.
What with an interior ministry official
seeking jail terms for two journalists in a criminal libel prosecution
and major budget cuts for public TV and radio stations that the ruling
coalition has accused of bias, the past two years have seen a marked
decline in freedom of information in Iceland, one that began with the
financial crisis in 2008.
Þórey Vilhjálmsdóttir, a political adviser to
Iceland’s interior minister, is seeking two-year jail sentences for
newspaper reporters
Jón Bjarki Magnússon and
Jóhann Páll Jóhannsson, who wrongly identified her as the source of a leak in story published on 20 June, although
they issued a correction within hours.
As well as quickly putting out a corrected version naming Gísli Freyr
Valdórsson, another interior ministry adviser, as the source of the
leak, they issued an apology in the form of a press release circulated
to the media. Valdórsson, now on probation,
has since been given an eight-month prison sentence
for leaking information about a Nigerian asylum-seeker to several news
Gísli Freyr Valdórsson has since been given an eight-month prison
sentence for leaking information about a Nigerian asylum-seeker to
several news outlets.
Reporters Without Borders regrets that Vilhjálmsdóttir
is seeking the maximum possible libel penalty for the two journalists
under criminal code articles 234 and 235 – two years in prison, damages
of 3 million krónurs (19,000 euros) and legal fees of 900,000 krónurs
(5800 euros) – because it would set a disastrous precedent for freedom
of information in Iceland. The organization also underlines that the
ministry of the interior is also in charge of human rights:
Vilhjálmsdóttir should be aware of her responsibilities in the domain of
press freedom.
In a letter, Reporters Without Borders calls on
Vilhjálmsdóttir to soften the complaint she has brought against the two
journalists, so that it is more proportionate to the actual harm to her
Iceland’s defamation laws have received a great deal of recent criticism from international bodies. Tthe
European Court of Human Rights
has stressed the extremely negative impact of these laws on journalists
and freedom of information, and the disproportionate nature of their
penalties, while
a recent International Press Institute report called them obsolete. Reporters Without Borders urges Iceland’s government to amend these laws.
Meanwhile, public broadcasting under attack
Political interests have been having a negative impact
on freedom of information in Iceland ever since the 2008 financial
crash. Almost all of the leading media editors have had to stand down
this year. The only exception is Morgunblaðið editor David Oddsson, who
happens to be a former prime minister and former central bank governor.
The editor-in-chief of the broadcasting company RUV
was fired along with the rest of its management
in the wake of the director-general’s dismissal. 365 Media, the company
that owns the biggest TV network, has reduced the number of its
newsrooms and fired two of its chief editors, replacing them with the
former spokeswoman for its owner’s husband, a leading figure in business
circles. Several journalists left the company after the substitution.
A public broadcaster funded by a licence fee system
until 2007, RUV became a state-owned compagny in 2008, its only share
being held by the ministry of culture. A year later, the government
assumed direct control of the source of its funding, and thereby direct
control of its budget. And in the wake of this loss of structural
independence, comments have been made about a lack of editorial
independence. Between 2013 and 2014, the ruling right-wing coalition
repeatedly criticized the treatment of the news coverage provide by
RUV’s TV and radio channels, and used it as an excuse to reduce
dramatically its budget. Indeed, the ruling coalition often questions
the impartiality of the news coverage provide by RUV’s TV and radio
channels, especially their coverage of European news. But
a survey
conducted by the consumer reporting agency Creditinfo found that
positive and negative news reports about the European Union get equal
space in RUV’s coverage.
Vigdís Hauksdóttir, a parliamentarian who is a member of
the ruling coalition and chairs the budgetary committee, made typically
critical comments about RUV in an August 2013 interview for
Radio Bylgjan that was
reported by Grapevine. “
I think an unnatural amount of money goes to RUV,” she said. “
when they don’t do a better job at reporting the news. They are fond of
a particular platform, and lean to the Left. Everyone who wants to see
that can see it. I assure you this is true, and can confirm it whenever
and wherever that [RUV] is very pro-EU.”
Such comments clearly put pressure on RUV’s journalists.
A 20 percent cut
in RUV’s budget was announced in December 2013, with the resulting loss
of many journalists from RUV newsrooms. The European Broadcasting Union
issued a statement condemning the cut, while former RUV
director-general Páll Magnússon said: “
Viewers will see a difference.
Our listeners will hear it. [...] Our ability to provide news to the
Icelandic public will be diminished, and newscasts will be shorter and
The pressure is continuing. Foreign minister Gunnar
Bragi Sveinsson criticized the way RUV portrayed him in one of its
reports. In March of this year, he imposed his own conditions on RUV,
refusing to give it interviews unless it sends him a copy of video
before it is broadcast. In the end, he was not interviewed at all. At
the same time he, too, accused it of being too pro-EU in its coverage.
As regards privately-owned media, Hauksdóttir issued a
call on Facebook in February 2014 for a boycott of the newspaper
Kvennablaðið after it criticized her, and she urged the cosmetics
company EGF to “stop buying advertising” in Kvennablaðið. The Union of Icelandic Journalists condemned her calls as “attempts to obstruct freedom of expression.”